Monday, January 24, 2011

Final post / Funeral Information

As we say goodbye to someone each of us knew and loved, I feel it appropriate to close this blog.

Thanks to each of you that have faithfully followed us through the toughest trial of our lives, I know that Evan cherished each and every one of you.

There will be a viewing at McDougal Funeral homes (4330 So. Redwood Rd) from 6:00 - 8:00 pm Friday. The Funeral Services will be on Saturday at 11:00 a.m. with a short viewing at 10:00 - 10:45. (12070 So. Laurel Chase Dr. 1547 West) The obituary will be in the paper on Wednesday.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


At 12:45am January 22, 2011, Evan Jade Mattingly lost his battle with cancer. He has returned home to the arms of his Heavenly Father.

God be with you till we meet again my love.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Evan is going downhill quickly. The Hospice nurses were here today and said that it looks like Evan will be returning home to his Heavenly Father in a matter of days. They said that by tomorrow he will probably be in a coma.

I told a friend of ours that I would post some information for each of you. Our friends have been approached by many others wondering what they could do for our family, so they set up a memorial fund to help us get through the financial burdens ahead. The memorial fund is at the Mountain American Credit Union under "Evan Mattingly Memorial Fund" Thank you Dan and Charity for doing this for us.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day To Day

It seems that from day to day there isn't much change in Evan but once I sit back and think about it, I can see that every day he is a little weaker.

It gets harder for him to get up because it wears him down so much. He is now in bed 24/7 except when he gets up to use the restroom. Getting bathed is really a chore for him. He is beginning to struggle with what is real and what has been part of his dreams. Part of this is due to the pain meds but some of it has to do with the toxin levels in his body. They told me that this would happen. It is really hard for me to realize the reality of what's ahead for all of us.

On the up side, the drainage tube is working great to relieve Evan's discomfort and Hospice has been good to us. My work has been great about all of this, and is allowing me to work from home for as long as I need to. I can see the Lords hand in my life everyday as he pours out blessings upon me and my family.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hospital Visit

Evan went to the hospital yesterday to have a drainage tube placed in his abdomen but his blood was too thin. They kept him overnight and gave him 7 bags of plasma. After the surgery, they drained almost 5 liters of fluid out of his abdomen. He is now home and resting comfortably.

Oh by the way, I have decided that the LDS Hospital is the best one we have stayed at so far. Did you know that they have a menu to choose your food from and if you have a guest (that would be me) they can order something too but of course you have to have a credit card. lol This may not seem like much but if you have spent as much time in a hospital as I have, you would understand how nice it is to not have to worry about where you will have to drive to to get something to eat, not to mention the time you have to spend away from your loved one.

Thanks Julie and Travis for dinner! When you offered to bring it, I had no idea that I would need it so much. It was a very long day for all of us. Yummmmmm I ate way too much and it was so wonderful to visit with you.