Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Evan is going downhill quickly. The Hospice nurses were here today and said that it looks like Evan will be returning home to his Heavenly Father in a matter of days. They said that by tomorrow he will probably be in a coma.

I told a friend of ours that I would post some information for each of you. Our friends have been approached by many others wondering what they could do for our family, so they set up a memorial fund to help us get through the financial burdens ahead. The memorial fund is at the Mountain American Credit Union under "Evan Mattingly Memorial Fund" Thank you Dan and Charity for doing this for us.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.


Shauna said...

Julie, I'm so sorry. We are praying for you during this terribly difficult time. If we can help in anyway, please let us know.

Rana said...

You're wonderful Julie, the only thing I feel right now is how much I wish we lived closer.

Terri said...

Dearest Julee:

I just wanted you to know that so many of us here at Evan's work are thinking of him and your family at this time. We are praying for your lovely family and this very, very special man that came into our lives at work. He has spread sunshine and laughter ever where he went and our hearts all ache and miss that playful, sweet soul who teased and made us laugh. Above all he loved and is so proud of his family and never fail to share his great love for you, his wife.

May the thoughts and prayers of so many friends, family, and co-workers sustain you as you and your family pass thru this difficult time. Please give Evan a hug from me and may Heavenly Father's richest blessing be yours as you spend this last bit of earthly time with Evan. Terri

Margaret said...


My name is Margaret Kay and I worked at Rio Tinto for CSC. I met you a few times with Evan. I just got back from a trip to Australia (left 22nd Dec) and heard of Evans condition. We use to share our stories as I went through Cancer. Please let Evan know that I treasured the time we had together and to watch over us all. My prayers are with you and your family always. Margaret Kay

Anonymous said...

Julie and family,
We are so sorry for Evan, you and the family. We all enjoyed riding with Evan. He always made the rides fun with his love of the bike and the roar of his in particular!!! :-)

We are all praying for you and your family.

- RT Riders

Emilee said...

Julie, Evan, Jaydee, Cody, and Matt

My family and I are praying for you guys and we love you guys with all of our hearts. I'll always treasure memories of sleepovers with Jaydee and the fun times I spent at your house with Evan's always positive and extremely fun personality. You guys are great and such an example to me and my family.
We love you.

-Emilee and the Estradas

Anonymous said...

I wish JUlie God bless you always.
Really it is nice blog.I like to visit again there.
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Diane and family said...

Your family is in our prayers!

Richard and Diane Busteed

Diane and family said...

Evan and your family are in our prayers.

Richard and Diane Busteed

randall said...

Hi Julie, I figured if I call I could get more said about how the Erskine clan felt about Evan and his clan.. As you know a little bit of tear let me down..Crack voice short breath and soft spoken. I ask my self why... Why can't I speak with the wife of a friend whom helped build an addition on my cabin, was the one whom drove the guests from the high school to the cabin and back. He didn't do this for one but two of my three daughters.He loved it. Julie Penny and I want you to know that Evan holds a special place in both of our hearts and or family's hearts, from my daughters to their husbands and their kids> they all had the pleasure and looked forward to the times Evan came to the cabin or to the house. We are lucky for the time Evan and your family has been in our lives. Our prayers and thoughts are with all of you, Penny and Randy Erskine

alison said...
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alison said...

Julie, so glad we were able to visit you guys. You will stay in our prayers. When I updated my dad on Evan, he said that Evan is a special man and just the time that he was around him, he could feel what a genuine and sweet guy he is. Much love is sent from my parents as well. Love you. Alison Cogswell

Robert said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Evan has been missed at the office and will continue to be.

I can only imagine the pain of watching him slip away. I lost my wife last year, so I do have some idea of what you are going through. God bless.

Robert Galloway

audrey said...

i just stumbled across your blog and i wanted to tell you how sorry i am for you. i can't imagine how you feel. god just made my heart so heavy for you. i just prayed that god would feel you with his holy spirit and that he will carry you through this deep suffering.

Lee Cannon said...

Dear Julie,

My name is Lee Cannon and you don't know me, but I was reading comments on my blog and accidentally clicked the "next blog" button that brought me to your blog. I read and read and would like you to know that a complete stranger is praying for your family. I'm a humorist and maybe my blog could bring some much needed smiles and distraction in this terrible time.

Love- lee