I had not really checked so I didn't know how big the Liver is, but I found a picture of an example of the body and size of the parts inside. If you look at this picture, (you can click on it and it will enlarge) You will see the area's that were operated on me. I no longer have a Gall Bladder and my Pancreas has had 1/3rd removed. The Duodenum which is where the Stomach starts into the small Intestine has had about 3 feet removed. That was all done on the surgery.
now, I am having Radiation on my Liver and as you can see it is rather large. They do it in two sections. The first Radiation treatment was on the right half and the second will be on the left.
Now you are all up to speed. I feel great after the first treatment and have been back to work and doing fine. Right now I have no side affects from the Cancer. It is like everything is fine. And I just as soon keep it that way.
Keep Smiling. We are all blessed in one way or another.
I did NOT realize the liver was that big. WOW! We think of your family often and hope things continue to go smoothly with treatment and side effects.
Yea, I didn't know that either, thanks Evan for the details, I'm glad you are feeling good!
So at what point does it become 5 fighting hearts? i am part of the family now ya know!
Hello from Ontario Canada: I just refound your blog. Sounds like the treatment is going well. All the best.
You posted a comment on our blog back in October (http://flspence.blogspot.com/)
You and your family continue to be in our thoughts and prayers down here in Arizona. I know you are looking forward to when your treatment is all behind you. Remember that trip to Arizona is always open for you to relax by the pool!
All the best to you, Julie and the family.
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