Today we went to see the doctor and he pulled Evan’s JP drain. Yipppyyyyy!!! This means that Evan will now be able to start eating clear liquids but he can only have a total of 3 cups for the whole day. He is still getting fed TPN through the PIC line but the doctor said that perhaps on Monday morning we can have the PIC line pulled, it all depends on how well Evan does on the clear liquids. We talked with the doctor a little bit about the chemo and he said that we will need to meet with the panel of doctors on the Tuesday after next to see when they want to start him or if they want to watch him for a little while first.
On to another subject…
I went out into the garage a couple of days ago and just started laughing. Our son, Cody, had taken all of the gardening tools and organized them in the middle of the floor. I just had to take a picture. He was so proud of his organizational project and was pleased to tell me why he had placed each tool in its place. It was so hard to keep a straight face as he so proudly explained the details. (Notice how the shovels are in order by size) He has a way of lifting the grey clouds that seem to find us.
On to another subject…

In effort to get my house in order, I turned on the auto cleaning on my oven so it can clean while we are sleeping. Boy does it smell bad!! Now when I have my neighbors over to help me tomorrow morning my house is going to reek. I have been working so hard today that now all I can think about is my pillow.
Love to you all
Evan & Julie
In effort to get my house in order, I turned on the auto cleaning on my oven so it can clean while we are sleeping. Boy does it smell bad!! Now when I have my neighbors over to help me tomorrow morning my house is going to reek. I have been working so hard today that now all I can think about is my pillow.
Love to you all
Evan & Julie
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